Are You Over 21?

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Vertical Pour was created by people who love wine! Our team is excited to help build your company’s brand. We enjoy working with our business partners and client wineries to bring people together… one enjoyable glass or memorable bottle at a time.



Did You Know? Our private label “Big Red” is primarily composed of Cabernet Sauvignon, but is also blended with some Merlot. The fruit for this red blend was harvested in late September and pressed at the end of October to early November. Our “Big Red” wine has been aged in barrel, maturing in new French and French-American hybrid oak barrels, which softens the wine and adds layered complexity.

We first started our journey in 2004 in the San Ynez region with amazing people, like Net Balderez, and wineries including Fess Parker and have worked our way up the California Coast to Paso Robles and Napa.  We have promoted amazing products and services in the wine industry since then, including robust coffee and the best wines.

Vertical Pour is a family owned and operated business.  Vertical Pour works with many professionals and companies to provide our clients the amazing wine at the absolute best price.

Our partner wineries are committed to growing, producing and selling the finest quality wines of the highest value to its customers. Their diverse family of brands are sold worldwide in addition to being distributed throughout the United States.

Our goal is simple… “To make the wine industry more approachable to more people.”  We effectively accomplish this goal by promoting wineries (their products and services) to large metro populations/ areas via venues, restaurants and social media channels.

While each individual is an expert in their respective field, our group has created a luscious niche’ in the unique wine industry.  That niche’ is marketing and promoting great wines and wineries to the “masses.”

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